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Protecting Your Eyes from Computer-Related Damage

Workplace injuries in San Jose aren’t always caused by accidents with heavy machinery or falls from scaffolding. They can also be caused by the repetitive nature of office work, such as staring at a computer screen for prolonged periods of time. Computer vision syndrome, sometimes referred to as digital eye strain, is a group of vision problems that stem from the prolonged use of computers, tablets, and e-readers. If you think you’re developing a work-related vision injury, consider scheduling an appointment with your ophthalmologist. You may also wish to consult a workers’ compensation attorney to learn about your legal rights.

Upgrading Your Equipment

Workplace vision injuries can often be addressed or prevented by making some simple changes. If you’re still working with an old CRT monitor, ask your employer about making the switch to a laptop with an LCD screen. These often feature anti-reflective screens. Plus, they limit the flickering of images, which is a major cause of eye strain even if the flicker isn’t obvious to the computer user. At the very least, you should consider installing an anti-glare screen on your computer. You could also adjust your screen display settings. The brightness of your screen should be approximately the same brightness as your surroundings. Enlarge small text on websites and documents while you’re reading them. If you must read content on a website that has white text on a black background, copy and paste the text into word processing software to reduce the strain on your eyes.

Modifying Your Work Environment

Workspaces should receive adequate lighting. However, the lighting should not be so bright that it creates a glare on the screen. If your office has a window, you may need to move your desk around so that the window does not face your computer screen. You might even consider purchasing a sun lamp that mimics the natural spectrum of light.

Changing Your Work Habits

When you gaze at a computer screen, you blink far less than you normally would. Blinking is essential for eye health because it distributes tears to keep the eyes moist. Try to remind yourself to blink more frequently and follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, refocus your gaze on an object about 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds. This relaxes the eye muscles to prevent focusing fatigue.

Workplace injury in San Jose

About the Author

Gerald Scher, Attorney at Law

Gerald “Jerry” Scher is a San Jose personal injury attorney with over 30 years of experience. A graduate of Santa Clara University School of Law, he has secured settlements from $5,000 to $1.5 million in personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Jerry is a member of the American Bar Association and Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association.