SSD Claims in San Jose, CA
Social Security Disability Claims Lawyer
At Scher, Bassett & Hames, we have been helping clients in our community for almost half of a century with a variety of legal matters. One of these areas includes helping clients file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. This category of Social Security is not related to retirement benefits, as some may believe; rather, it is a way that the government offers benefits to those who have been disabled and are no longer fit for employment.

Legal Representation in San Jose, Cupertino, & Santa Clara
For some, this disability coverage may be for a season while for others it may be a permanent necessity. Our San Jose Social Security disability lawyers are also equipped to help you receive the benefits you invested in through payroll deductions over the years. Whatever the case may be, if you are no longer able to work and are in need of federal assistance for disability, our San Jose Social Security attorneys at Scher, Bassett & Hames are here to help you!
Have You Been Denied Social Security Disability Benefits?
Regardless of whether you are initially applying for Social Security disability benefits or if you have already been denied, our legal team is prepared to help you fight for the coverage you deserve. Our team will closely analyze your past applications and access what can be improved on your application to explain more thoroughly your situation on the form. It is not uncommon that people who do not hire an attorney initially have their application for benefits denied, due to how the information was originally presented on the document. By hiring Scher, Bassett & Hames, we will do whatever we can to help you obtain disability benefits, so that you may receive the financial assistance you deserve for the necessary length of time. Contact our legal office in the San Jose area today at 408-739-5300 to schedule a free consultation appointment and to learn more about how we can help you!