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Fighting for Your Rights After a Hit-And-Run Accident

Dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident is rarely easy. But a hit-and-run accident is even more challenging. After contacting the police and seeking medical attention, you should call a hit-and-run attorney in San Jose to arrange legal representation. A car accident lawyer will advise you of your legal rights, review the police report, assess the damages, and let you know which steps you can take to protect yourself. Regarding car accidents, California is a “fault” or tort state. This means that a hit-and-run victim would first try to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. Unfortunately, sometimes it simply isn’t possible to locate the at-fault driver when he or she has fled the scene.

When the at-fault driver cannot be identified, the car accident lawyer can help you secure compensation from your own insurance carrier. Ideally, your insurance company would simply approve the claim and pay for the damages. But since insurance carriers prioritize their profits, it’s not unusual for hit-and-run victims to be denied coverage or to receive only a fraction of the compensation to which they are entitled. Having a car accident attorney discuss this matter with your insurance carrier can significantly improve your chances of receiving fair compensation.

hit and run accident

About the Author

Gerald Scher, Attorney at Law

Gerald “Jerry” Scher is a San Jose personal injury attorney with over 30 years of experience. A graduate of Santa Clara University School of Law, he has secured settlements from $5,000 to $1.5 million in personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Jerry is a member of the American Bar Association and Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association.