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Trust the Attorneys at Scher, Bassett & Hames

If you have been injured in an accident or while on the job, you are entitled to compensation. At Scher, Bassett & Hames, we are dedicated to providing each client with personalized attention, advice, and answers in a variety of practice areas that include personal injury law and workers’ compensation claims. When you work with a personal injury lawyer at our firm, you’ll find the professional support you need to file a successful claim regarding your workplace or accident injury. Our lawyers spend an average of 75-85% of their time devoted to litigation regarding issues such as wrongful death, animal bites, car accident injuries, slips and falls, workplace injuries, and Social Security disability claims.

Navigating the field of personal injury law alone is confusing, stressful, and difficult. If you have been injured through the actions or neglect of others, your personal injury attorney at Scher, Bassett & Hames will work to protect your rights and ensure you reach the solution you need to maintain the quality of life you deserve.

Scher, Bassett & Hames Lawyers in San Jose

About the Author

Gerald Scher, Attorney at Law

Gerald “Jerry” Scher is a San Jose personal injury attorney with over 30 years of experience. A graduate of Santa Clara University School of Law, he has secured settlements from $5,000 to $1.5 million in personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Jerry is a member of the American Bar Association and Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association.